EDU-LAB New Danubian Governance in Labour market Relevance of Higher Education

EDU-LAB Final Conference

EDU-LAB Final Conference: “Better Chances for Young People in the Danube Region” 

16-17 May, Zagreb, Croatia

It is our pleasure to invite you to EDU-LAB´s Final conference entitled “Better Chances for Young People in the Danube Region” on 16-17 May, held in Zagreb, Croatia. As the highlight of the event, the project partners and stakeholders will sign the Danubian Charter for Young Talents.



Session descriptions (Parallel workshops - 17th of May, 2019)

Please register for the conference until 8 May here.

Book your accommodation at a special price here.

For more information, see the information sheet.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)