
On 9th and 10th November, the SIMONA Final Conference event was held online. Originally it was planned to be organised in Baia Mare, Romania in a hybrid form - online and on-site, but due to COVID restrictions we had to transform it entirely online. As the matter of fact, this form did not disturb any aspect of our planned agenda and we managed to reach more than 70 participants - the highest number in all our project events. Altogether 92 people registered for the event. Almost the entire project consortium participated in the event and many external experts and stakeholders. 

The Final Conference was conceived as a joint 3rd Training event, Scientific Conference and Stakeholder Workshop. On the 1st day, before the training, we had a SIMONA Final Project Meeting in the morning where each work package leader presented their activities and main results. The 3rd Training event concerned the Sediment Quality Evaluation protocol and the demonstration of the SIMONA IT tool. At the Scientific Conference, we had 4 keynote speeches on sediment quality from a different perspective from prominent speakers (GEMAS/IUGS, ICPDR, SedNet, project scientific coordinator) and 5 talks on sediment sampling, analysis and evaluation.

Before the Stakeholder Workshop and Case Studies presentation, we had a live stream of Field Demonstration at SIMONA Upper Tisa Test Area Monitoring Site - the implementation and development of the passive system for sediment sampling. 

Agenda can be found on this link:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)