INDEED - JULY 01, 2019 │INDEED exchanges experiences on e-learning with four DTP projects


On July 1, 2019, INDEED was invited to a panel discussion on “E-Learning” in the framework of the final conference of the DTP project “Excellence-in-ReSTI” (Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management). Together with representatives of the DTP projects EDU-LAB, InnoSchool and Danube Energy+, Lea Pfäffel joint the panel as project manager of INDEED.

Hosted at the Charles University in Prague and moderated by Gabor Szudi from the project Excellence-in-ReSTI, the group discussed common challenges, lessons-learned and potential synergies regarding e-learning. Although the five projects cover different topics and target different audiences, all panellists reported that continuing an e-learning programme after project termination is key for achieving a sustainable impact. Exchanging experiences - also between projects of the first and second call - was perceived as very important for building upon experiences of other DTP projects.

Excellence-in-ReSTI develops a learning system that builds knowledge and skills in managing social and technological innovation projects. Please find more information about Excellence-in-ReSTI here:

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)